
VDA5050 Topics with Meili FMS #

The topics used in VDA5050 are defined by the VDA5050 standard and are as follows:

Note: MQTT topics are case sensitive eg. instantactions != instantActions

Which manufacturer is used for the Topic? #

The manufacturer used in the topic is determined based on the following priority order. If a value is not defined, the next option in the sequence is used:

  1. Manufacturer: The manufacturer tied to the robot.
  2. Custom Manufacturer: A custom manufacturer defined per vehicle by the user.
  3. Default Manufacturer: If neither of the above is defined, the default value “meili” is used.

By default, the manufacturer is set to “meili”, unless explicitly specified otherwise.

Vehicle serial number #

By default, each vehicle is assigned a serial number corresponding to its internal UUID within the Meili system. However, users can override this default by entering the actual serial number of the vehicle. This can be done on the Edit Vehicle page.

Note: The serial number has to be unique! Duplicate serial numbers in different vehicles will be rejected on creation.

Topics used by Meili FMS #

Meili FMS allows clients to publish and subscribe to all the topics included by VDA5050 2.0.0, currently the following one are actively used for ensuring FMS functionalities.

Topic Used by Meili Purpose
order YES send order to the robot
state YES receive position, battery, order status, errors etc. from robot
instantActions YES send cancelOrder, startPause and stopPause to robot
factsheet YES send factsheet message from robot to FMS
connection YES notify and fail task in case of unexpected robot disconnection
visualization NO