
Connection - VDA5050 #

Meili FMS allows to use both MQTT and MQTTs connection protocols over TCP.

  • MQTT connect to Meili broker using port 1883
  • MQTTs connect to Meili broker using port 8883

Authentication #

Meili FMS uses 2 forms of authentication: Client ID and username-password. These parameters can be accessed from the manage organization page as shown in Setting up a Robot with VDA5050.

When connecting a robot, the FMS validates that the Client id when connecting to the broker is a valid id. The Client ID is called MQTT ID in our system. It starts with meili-agent- followed by a unique code. We authenticate a connection using a username and password:

  • the username is the MQTT ID (Client id)
  • the password is the token (password as shown in the fleet setup page)

Are you getting kicked from the MQTT-broker? #

There are a couple of reasons you might be getting kicked from the broker:

Wrong Credentials #

The broker will kick a client attempting to connect if we cannot verify that the clientId, username or password is incorrect. This includes outdated credentials, so check if they match what is found in the Meili FMS.

Wrong Topics #

The broker will kick a client attempting to connect to topics that it is not autherised to connect to. We check if a client is allowed to connect to a topic based on its manufacturer and serial number, and the topics described by VDA5050:

  • order
  • state
  • factsheet
  • connection
  • instantActions
  • visualization

You can check if you topics are wrong by checking if you are able to connect to the broker without publishing or subscribing. Then if you are kicked when attempting to subscribe, it means that you are not allowed to access that topic, so re-check if the topic is correct.

Connecting with Duplicate Credentials #

If you have 2 clients attempting to connect using the same credentials and clientId, the older connection will be kicked from the Broker. Two clients attempting to connect and reconnect at the same time repeatedly can cause issues, where messages are not received. So check if you have another device trying to connect as the same robot in the same organisation.