
Running Meili Agent #


If you have not installed the Meili Agent, please finish installing the tool by following the detailed instructions listed in Installing Meili Agent

Warning If you do not have a valid area map uploaded to Meili FMS, please follow the instructions in Maps to upload and edit a map before running the Meili Agent.

The following section showcases the use of the Meili Agent in action.

The Meili Agent will look at the automatically generated configuration file on the configdirectory inside the meili-agent package.

Configuration file #

In the cfg.yaml file, you can configure your robot fleet and set topics for all of the vehicles as well as for individual ones if there is more than one type of vehicle on the fleet. This configuration can be modified by the user via Fleet Setup page.

Go to Add Vehicles to your Fleet to add new vehicles to your fleet.

Go to Add Vehicle Topics to configure vehicles to look for specific topics.

Below are some examples of config files:

Default “topics name” and “topic types” have been defined following ROS standards. It is also possible to specify (in the UI or using the API) new topics for each vehicle to override the default one. Go to the Creating a Fleet Setup page.

Note If the same topic is set twice, on an individual vehicle and topics list, the vehicle topic is the one that is taken into consideration.