
Installation #

  1. Go to manage organisation

  2. Go to vehicle page

  3. Create a new vehicle by clicking in “Add Vehicle” button:

Add vehicle to FMS
  1. Fill mandatory parameters, including “integration type”: Youibot
select integration type
  1. Go to fleet setup and create a new one selecting the recently created one. New pin will be generated.
Create fleet set up
  1. Download meili-cli
Note: Meili CLI is the command-line utility tool for managing secrets, system setups, and map synchronisation with the server. For more info click here.
  1. Request Access token for the specific integration to Meili.

  2. In your terminal: Export necessary env variables (access token provided by Meili and directory path where you want to download the integration SW) :

export ACCESS_TOKEN=<access_token_value_provided_by_meili>
export PACKAGE_PATH=<path_where_integrations_repository_will_be_downloaded>
  1. Authenticate and download integration repo using previously generated PIN
./meili-cli init -pin AAAAA
./meili-cli setup

When running setup command, it will ask to insert Username and Password. As this fields are not used in this integration, you can press enter in both of them:

meili-cli setup
  1. Now the integration SW is downloaded in the directory that you specify using PACKAGE_PATH env variable.